Hudgkin-Huxley Model
for one cell

This applet simulates the Hodgkin-Huxley Model for one cell using subthreshold stimulation frequences that can lead to dependent responses including chaos.

In this case an oscillatory stimulus is used. Specifically, the S1 and S2 currents are of the form A + B sin(w t). The three values for the currents in the applet boxes are then A, B, and w, respectively.

To use the applet, click the Start button to initiate the simulation and the Reset button to return the parameters to their initial values. Check the box for each variable to plot it in the window.

Things to try:

  • Change the stimulus current parameters to observe different responses. For example, increasing the first S1 current values to -7 makes the cell auto-oscillatory, and decreasing the frequency w to 2 increases the frequency of the oscillation. (Set S2 to 500 to ensure that no second stimulus is delivered.)
  • Explore the effects of parameter value changes on the responses.

    Hodgkin AL, Huxley AF. (1952) J Physiol 117, 500-540.