Movies (jump up index):

  • 2D Movies
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  • Spiral Waves Breakup Mechanisims
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  • 2D movies

    Propagating plane wave on a slab, with spatial and temporal recording.
    Format: anim.gif (553K) avi (812K) fli (1.77MB)

    Timing is everything:
    Target pattern from a late premature stimulus following a plane wave.
    Format: anim.gif (153K) avi (199K) fli (810K)
    Disappearing early premature stimulus following a plane wave.
    Format: anim.gif (38K) avi (207K) fli (427K)
    Counter-rotating spiral waves induced by a carefully timed premature stimulus following a plane wave.
    Format: anim.gif (647K) avi (581K) fli (1.84MB)
    Spiral breakup induced by a carefully timed premature stimulus following a plane wave. Two counter-rotating spiral waves are produced which subsequently break up into multiple waves. Equivalent to the transition from ventricular tachycardia to fibrillation.
    Format: anim. gif (769K) avi (988K)

    Spiral wave trajectory as a function of tissue excitability. As the excitability is decreased from high to medium to low, the trajectory changes from linear to epicyclodial to circular. Cardiac excitability is known to decrease during ischemia, when the tissue's oxygen supply has been reduced.
    Format: anim. gif (1.28MB) avi (1.34MB) fli (4.05MB)

    Spiral wave breakup due to APD oscillations (discordant alternans) produced by an APD restitution curve that is steep (slope > 1) over a wide range of diastolic intervals. Note that the breakup does not invade the area of the tip. See A. Karma, Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 1103-1106 (1993).
    Format: anim. gif (1.39MB) avi (1.21MB)

    Spiral wave breakup produced by an APD restitution curve that is steep (slope > 1) over a narrow range of diastolic intervals. Breakup occurs close to the tip when the minimum diastolic interval is reached. See M. Courtemanche and A.T. Winfree, Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos 1, 431-444 (1991).
    Format: anim. gif (725K) avi (766K) fli (2.1MB)

    Second wave of repolarization (actually depolarization) produced by Doppler shift at the spiral tip. See F.H. Fenton, E.M. Cherry, H.M. Hastings, and S.J. Evans, Multiple mechanisms for spiral wave breakup in a model of cardiac electrical activity, in preparation.
    Format: anim. gif (244K) avi (266K) flc (806K)

    Spiral wave breakup produced by a meandering tip trajectory that causes Doppler shift. The long linear core makes the tissue appear anisotropic, while in fact it is isotropic. See L.J. Leon, F.A. Roberge, and A. Vinet, Annals of Biomedical Engineering 22, 592-609 (1994).
    Format: anim. gif (916K) avi (781K) flc (2.31MB)

    Spiral wave breakup produced by a meandering tip trajectory and induced Doppler shift in the Luo-Rudy I model (with speeded up calcium dynamics). Note that the APD restitution curve is flat (slope < 1 for all diastolic intervals). See F.H. Fenton, E.M. Cherry, H.M. Hastings, and S.J. Evans, Multiple mechanisms for spiral wave breakup in a model of cardiac electrical activity, in preparation.
    Format: anim. gif (808K) avi (796K)

    Spiral wave breakup produced by a meandering tip trajectory and induced Doppler shift in the 3V-SIM fitted to the Luo-Rudy I model (with speeded up calcium dynamics). See F.H. Fenton, E.M. Cherry, H.M. Hastings, and S.J. Evans, Multiple mechanisms for spiral wave breakup in a model of cardiac electrical activity, in preparation.
    Format: anim. gif (1.33MB)

    Spiral wave breakup produced by memory in the APD restitution relation and low excitability. See F.H. Fenton, S.J. Evans, and H.M. Hastings, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 3964-3967 (1999).
    Format: anim. gif (744K) avi (751K) fli (1,9MB)

    Spiral wave breakup produced by periodic boundary conditions along with a meandering spiral tip. In the movie, the periodicity is along the left and right edges. See F.H. Fenton, E.M. Cherry, H.M. Hastings, and S.J. Evans, Multiple mechanisms for spiral wave breakup in a model of cardiac electrical activity, in preparation.
    Format: anim. gif (472K) avi (497K) fli (1.27MB)

    3D movies

    Visualization of a 3D scroll wave by following the spiral tips on all planes to form a vortex filament, whose curvature, twist, and torsion can be measured. This movie shows how the vortex filament is obtained at a fixed time by showing the spiral at different depths through tissue. The filament color indicates the local twist.
    Format: anim. gif (492K) avi (1.2MB) fli (3.5MB)
    Breakup of a 3D scroll wave by patchy failure due to discrete effects (coarse spatial resolution). Nine evenly spaced parallel layers from the epicardium to the endocardium are shown.
    Format: anim. gif (143K) avi (171K) fli (979K)
    Breakup of a 3D scroll wave due to twist instability in a medium with rotational anisotropy. See F.H. Fenton and A. Karma, Chaos 8, 20-46 (1998) and Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 481-484 (1998).
    Format: anim. gif (586K) avi (937K) flc (1.9MB)
    Breakup of a 3D scroll wave due to negative tension in isotropic tissue in the low excitable limit. See V.N. Biktashev, A.V. Holden, and H. Zhang, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A 347, 611-630 (1994).
    Format: anim. gif (356K) avi (457K) flc (2MB)

    Once multiple vortices are present, the dynamics can become quite complex.
    Vortex rings can be created by conduction block and disappear.
    Format: anim. gif (34K) avi (59K) flc (132K)
    Created vortex rings can fuse with other vortex filaments with matching phase.
    Format: anim. gif (31K) avi (51K) flc (120K)
    A vortex ring can be created by a filament pinching off a small portion of itself.
    Format: anim. gif (54K) avi (79K) flc (221K)

    Spiral Waves Breakup Mechanisims

    The following movies show greater detail of the figures of spiral wave dynamics in the paper "Multiple Mechanisms of Spiral Wave Breakup in a Model of Cardiac Electrical Activity"
    Figure 7. Breakup close to the tip due to steep APD restitution.
    Movie (958K)
    Figure 12B-J. Breakup far from the tip due to discordant alternans.
    Movie (2458K)
    Figure 12M-N. Breakup far from the tip due to discordant alternans.
    Movie (457K)
    Figure 12O-P. Breakup far from the tip due to discordant alternans.
    Movie (958K)
    Figure 15A. Breakup from initial condition for APD restitution curve with two regions of slope less than one.
    Movie (599K)
    Figure 15B. Stable spiral from intial condition for APD restitution curve with two regions of slope less than one.
    Movie (408K)
    Figure 17. Spiral wave with 2:1 block away from the tip.
    Movie (834K)
    Figure 18. Stable spiral wave with Doppler shift in frequencies due to cycloidal trajectory.
    Movie (1535K)
    Figure 19A-D. Initial breakup from Doppler shift-induced 2:1 block near the tip.
    Movie (166K)
    Figure 19E-P. Evolution of breakup from Doppler shift-induced 2:1 block near the tip.
    Movie (2835K)
    Figure 20. Breakup of spiral with hypocycloidal trajectory due to Doppler shift .
    Movie (565K)
    Figure 21. Breakup of a spiral with a linear core due to Doppler shift.
    Movie (917K)
    Figure 22. Secondary waves of depolarization due to Doppler shift at the spiral tip.
    Movie (245K)
    Figure 24. Breakup due to biphasic APD restitution.
    Movie (1283K)
    Figure 26. Breakup due to supernormal CV restitution.
    Movie (743K)
    Figure 29C. Drift of spiral trajectories due to periodic boundary conditions.
    Movie (1231K)
    Figure 30. Breakup of a hypermeandering spiral due to periodic boundary conditions.
    Movie (756K)
    Figure 30(last). Stable hypermeandering spiral wave with all no-flux boundary conditions.
    Movie (288K)
    Figure 32A. Contracting scroll ring due to negative tension.
    Movie (4434K)
    Figure 32C. Expanding scroll ring due to positive tension.
    Movie (1757K)
    Figure 33. Breakup due to negative tension.
    Movie (3540K)
    Figure 36. Stable 2D spiral (breaks in 3D with rotational anisotropy twist instability, Figure 37).
    Movie (1050K)
    Figure 37. Breakup due to rotational anisotropy twist instability.
    Movie (3663K)
    Figure 38. Breakup due to coarse discretization with rotational anisotropy.
    Movie (680K)
    Figure 40. Breakup in the LR-I model with fast calcium dynamics (factor of 2).
    Movie (790K)
    Figure 42A. Vortex interactions: new ring appears and collapses.
    Movie (35K)
    Figure 42B. Vortex interactions: new ring appears and fuses with existing vortex.
    Movie (32K)
    Figure 42C. Vortex interactions: new ring pinched off existing vortex.
    Movie (55K)
    Stable spiral wave surrounded by breakup using the Karma model.
    Movie (3891K)
    Breakup due to Doppler shift in frequency using the FHN model of Aliev and Panfilov.
    Movie (3891K)


  • 3D volume movie of the rabbit ventricle "data set#2" showing the direction of fibers (semi-transparent).
  • Series of 8 slices of rabbit ventricle, cut parallel to the atrioventricular ring showing the complex activation during reentry. (100 ms of real time) gif movie
  • Sustain VT in the DAM preparation using ventricular set data #2. (3 sec of simulation) gif movie
  • Evolution of VF under CytoD, using ventricular set data #2. (4 sec of simulation) gif movie