Luo-Rudy dynamic (LRd) Model for Ventricular Cells
One-dimensional Cable/Ring
This applet simulates the Luo-Rudy dynamic model in a 1D cable or 1D ring of
any length between 0.38 cm and 16 cm.
Initiation by a stimulus, propagation, and complex reentry in a loop can be studied.
To learn more about the model in a single cell, use the LRd single cell applet or visit Dr. Rudy's lab CBRTC and the official LRd model web site
- The Start button initiates the applet. An action potential can be produced
either by pressing the Apply S1 button or by clicking inside the panel with the
mouse, which will produce a stimulus that will generate an action potential if large enough.
The length can be changed at any time by using the Cable Length slider.
The new length is automatically indicated on
the horizontal axis (minimum length is 0.38 cm, maximum is 16 cm).
The maximum length is shorter than in the 1D LR-I 1D applet because Luo-Rudy I model has larger APD
resulting in a longer wavelength.
To observe AP initiation and propagation in more or less detail,
the simulation speed can be increased or decreased at any time by using the
Simulation Speed slider.
When initiating a stimulus using the Apply S1 button,
attributes of the stimulus can be set by using the Strength, Duration,
Length, and Position
text boxes.
The list box in the bottom
left corner is used to choose either a cable or a ring simulation.
Note: using a long cable before changing from a cable to a ring is recommended to prevent self-termination of the wave.
The gna, gnab
and gca text-boxes are used to set some of the sodium, and
calcium conductances used in the simulation.
The check boxes on the right indicate which variables are plotted.
The Reset button brings the membrane potential of all the cells back to the rest state.
The Stop button is used to stop the simulation at any time. The simulation can be resumed by using the
Continue button that replaces the Stop button when the simulation is stopped.