This page contains the virtual museum (version 2.0) in 3D. To travel in it, you need to install a VRML viewer in your browser (unless you have one already), you can use Cortona VRML client (Free and available for Windows and Mac), which is very quick and easy to install and can be also used for powerpoint presentations.

  • This is a larger, modern and updated version form the museum 1.0, it takes a little bit longer to fully download compared to version 1.0. We recomend that you visit version 1.0 before visiting version 2.0.
  • The museum was selected as a Web3Dart in 2007 and displayed at the the 12th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, April 15-18, 2007 University of Perugia, Umbria, Italy.

    Click here to go

    (It may take a few seconds to fully load, depending on your connection).
    Best viewed with Internet explorer and Cortona vrml viewer If you use other browsers such as netscape, or opera, some things may not be well displayed