3D PDF Interactive 3D Within Adobe PDF u3d files 3d pdf example

Animation and interactivity of 3D objects in PDF

Beginning with Adobe PDF version 1.6, released in the middle of 2005, Adobe included the the ability to include 3D geometries in PDF documents. Therefore, it is now possible to view, navigate, and interact with 3D objects and 3D models in PDF files by importing them in U3D (Universal 3D) file format and adding interactivity using Java scripting.

On this page you will find the 3D PDF awarded first prize in the first Acrobat 3D PDF competition in the technical publication chategory. The manuscript is a short description of cardiac structure, function, and arrhythmias.

Note: Acrobat reader 7 or higher is needed to interact with the 3D objects. (If needed, download the latest Acrobat Reader here.)

The manuscript provides a creative introduction to cardiac structure, function, and arrhythmias that allows users not only to read about or to view examples of these concepts, but to experience the complexity of the heart for themselves. Separate sections demonstrate the hearts anatomical components, blood flow through the heart, and complex reentrant spiral waves that correspond to cardiac arrhythmias. Users can utilize the tools available in Acrobat 3D to interact with objects through various means, including rotation and frame sequencing to show three-dimensional movies.

Download the 3D PDF interactive manuscript here (6.7 Mb).